The Cost of Three Weeks in France and Switzerland

We spent three weeks between France and Switzerland, two weeks of which we were joined by Jeff’s parents, who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Despite these being two of the most expensive countries we visited on our entire trip, we all had a blast!

Note: Most of our purchases were on the credit card, but some were made in cash. To get an accurate approximation of how much in USD we spent, I used the exchange rate that our cards gave us on the day on or nearest to the date that our cash purchase was made.

Bonjour, France et Swiss!

US$3,861.82/ 21days ≈ US$183.90/day

Transportation: US$1,318.57

Accommodation: US$1,404

Food: US$745.75

Adventure/sightseeing: US$219.97

Miscellaneous: US$173.52

We hopped around from city to city every couple of days, drank lots of wine, and even saw the Matterhorn. You can’t put a price on that.

Grand Total So far: US$7,820.69 (New Zealand) + US$3,547.80 (Australia) + US$6,153.16 (Japan) + US$3261.79 (SERBIA, CROATIA, and GREECE) + US$1696.18(BudaKraPraVienna) + US$2,230.59(Italy) + US$3,861.82 (France)= US$28,572.03

Divide that by 315 days of travel and that leaves us with an average of just over US$90.70 for both of us, or about US$45.35 per person per day. Even though we splurged in France and Switzerland, we still managed to stay under budget overall! This calls for another glass of wine.


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